Monday, September 24, 2007

loft, 9-23

alex, chris, martin, dev, david, victor

we circulated, moving attention through the limbs with each note while we waited for martin.

we made and inventory of who plays what part on 20 different pieces. which has been sent out to the group.

we made a decent tentative arrangement of driving force.

we rehearsed lifelight.

some logistics about attendance.

and that was it....


Wednesday, September 19, 2007


loft, david, martin, dev, alex, chris, victor

we spent most of the meeting working on victor's new piece, final form:

C section
2 bars just bass
4 bars w/ mids
4 bars w/ fast highline

A section
2 bars all, bass drops out on the 2nd 6
2 bars highs and mids mids drop out on 2nd and-of-4
1 bar just highs highs end on the 6 mids come with pick up on the 6

C section
4 bars all (high line ends with substitution of A 1str 14 fr, C 2nd str 8 fr, A 1str 14fr for last two notes of phrase plus downbeat of A section.)

A section
1 bar lows and mids (highs drop out on the down beat)
1 bar just mids mids out on 6

3 beat rest from downbeat then

D section basses in on the 1 after the 3 beat rest
highs in with mids on the 3
4 bars 6 (or 2 of 12)

C section same as d (highs and mids hang on their chords over the downbeat of the basses until beat 3)

E section 2 bars of 6 (same deal for highs and mids re hanging)

f# section highs play four note tag (repeating last two notes of their pattern twice) after end of 3 patterns of 6 to slide up half step to join basses on the down beat of the Eb section.
mids come in ont the one with basses on Eb section.

Eb section is now one bar of 6 with everyone beginning on together on the 1, and ending on the 3 except the mids who end on the and-of-3. (which is to say basses and mids play their pattern once.)

we then return to C for 4 bars of 6. basses play an open A 3rd string on and-of- 6 and a low A on the down beat following, holding the 1 sting C from beat 6.

mids play G of the downbeat.

highs play the b on the 7th fret of the 2nd string on the last downbeat instead of their usual E.

we also worked on askesis and talked a bit more about logistics for regular performing.

Monday, September 10, 2007

9-9-7 art loft

david, chris, alex, victor.

we undertook a survey of how much repertoire we have. played through themes 3-7 and bicycling, asturius, growing circle. this much took 30minutes. currently i am assessing our known potential for regular performing

eye of the needle
third relation
moving force
bicycling to afghanistan
growing circle
invention #1
homage to jsb

driving force
flying home
victor's new piece
choose a note

all in all enough to get us started if we could learn our parts...

a performance team would have to meet a certain level of competence. perhaps making it through one's part with one or two mistakes at worst, as this would mean that a piece might only have 14 mistakes at most..... hmmm.... well this is another thing to figure out.....

we worked on the final form for victor's new piece. which seems pretty close to done.