Monday, July 25, 2005

Minutes for Sat/Sun July 23/24

Guitar Circle New England on Sunday, July 24th.

Roslindale party gig (Saturday, July 23rd) went well. We were on our stools and ready to tune at 2:59 PM. There was an element of feeling rushed. No real quiet to begin. The circulation was clunky at first but got better. It seemed part of the trouble was getting used to hearing ourselves amplified in that enviroment. We then did EotN. A rocky start but it got better. When we ended, someone whooped in the audience. That really helped me relax for the next pieces. I had been concerned about playing for a mostly musician audience and was glad to be shielded by Terry. After EofN, we played Bartok, Bicycling to Afganistan, Thrak, and finally Asurius. We got the high sign to wrap up after Thrak. But, then Victor requested that we do one more song. I think that was it. The audience was appreciative and asked questions afterward. We introduced ourselves as Guitar Circle New England and that led to comments and a little confusion and on-line discussion the day following. After our set, we circled up to complete our work.

Tonight (Sunday, July 24th) we were a line as that’s what two points make. It was just Martin and Mary Beth. Terry was stuck in traffic in Ipswich and couldn’t get to us in time. All other GC members had other things going on. Since we were at the Hughes home, we were able to electronically fill in for Terry on the Bach piece using the MIDI files. Martin and I set a goal for playing the Bach piece through perfectly one time. I believe we did it about 2 times at least. After one perfect time. we worked on other pieces including EotN, Bartok, Asturius, Thrak, some Israel. It was good to hear EotN with just me on my burbles part and Martin on bass. Martin uses cues from the other parts for his line, especially during the long period of burbling. I hadn’t heard his line on its own before. We played Bartok 3x and it sounded strong. We both needed practice with the cross picking on Austurius. We worked on the transitions. We worked on matching up our parts for Thrak. We refreshed out memories for Israel. Martin mentioned that we should practice Israel at the next circle meeting. Martin showed me his new song with “Nightshade” in the title. It was very nice and suitable for circle work. He says there is a composed bass line out there somewhere.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

7.17.05 New England Guitar Circle Meeting Minutes

Attendees: David, Glen, Josh, MaryBeth, Martin, Terry and Victor

Everyone was early, not realizing (or checking) that Victor was already there. Josh B joined us from the Chicago Circle and will be joining us through August.
We began with two circulations the first in Cmaj, the second in Cmaj then any note of your choosing. We then worked on repertoire for the upcoming gig on July 23rd. This included:

Growing Circle
Eye of the Needle
Third Relation
Homage a JSB
Third Relation
Moving Force
Larks Thraak
Bicycling to Afghanistan

Glen, MB and Martin attempted the beginning of the Bach Invention Bassline, then we spoke of the gig details. The gathering will start at one, and we should be there by 2PM if possible to begin around 3PM. Victor will send out directions.

Friday, July 08, 2005

sunday, 3rd of july, 2005, south boston dojo

glenn, david and victor were there. victor introduced the tremelo exercise to david and glenn, the 4 bar right hand exercise which is the lead up the 28 bar exercise. we looked at some important priciples this exercise brings into focus. we spent well over an hour looking at some of the ideas that have come up in our work with ben, partly to bring david up to speed.