Monday, December 19, 2005

Meeting at VMcS's Dec 19th

Attendees: Victor, Glenn, David, and MB (Martin was unable to attend)

While waiting for David to arrive, Victor and Glenn worked out some IGBE details. Then, David arrived bundled and prompted Victor to say "Shackleton" outloud. V and MB talked about Shakleton (MB from the book and V from the IMAX movie). Then, silence.
We started with a four part improv piece that seemed to go well. We started at the same time and in C major. Then, EotN. A good run I thought. I felt very relaxed (perhaps due to sleep deprivation). Then, Askesis and some work on getting things more regular.
We discussed Victor's thoughts on opening guitar craft and inner work with guitar to a wider audience. Then, back to Askesis and working on the mirror part for David. Back to EotN for quarter note foot tapping in the intro for MB. Difficulty with the 1th, 12th beats. Some talk about doing a cable access appearance soon (but no details right now) -- Glenn will look into this. Some talk about performing at the Charles Playhouse. Regarding pieces, Victor handed out Bach Invention No. 1 in C major piece for a quartet. We are to have the first page memorized by the next time we meet in January. Victor also handed out St. Pepper I think. Then we adjourned.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dec. 11, 2005, Sans Guitars

MB & G's house. MB, G and V in attendance.

This is the third week in a row that the Circle has failed to meet for work with guitars.

Victor arrived around 9:20. Tea and hanging out in the living room. We talked about a project that he's going to run beginning in January: A free beginner's circle, with a time slot just before our regularly scheduled Circle meeting. Our Circle meetings may be slightly shorter as a result. In the announcements for this course, there will be explicit mention made of the inner-work aspect of what we do. The three of us discussed the above from several different angles. It was agreed that this was a good idea, and if successful, would help support the work of the Circle. The only immediate action item, is that Victor needs to write the blurb, and get it approved by Robert and Curt. As Victor stood in the door to leave, I put on Igor's re-master of "Get Crafty." My comment was, the players back then had more precision than we do now.