Tuesday, June 28, 2005

June 26. 8:15 PM. South Boston Dojo

MB, Glenn, Alex L, Martin and Victor

Circulation exercises:
First exercise: Pick 4 notes. Repeat in sequence.
Second exercise: Pick 2 notes, then do the 'cascading' pattern of the last couple weeks, skipping the person that began. Once everyone is on the second note, a 'turn around' reflecting past the end point, then beginning the pattern in reverse, with a reverse turn-around at the other end.

"Pair Share" exercises:
Take turns, one person talking, the other person listening.
First exercise: Describe in detail an event that happened during the day where a process was brought to completion.
Second exercise: Explore what it is you want (wish for, desire...) in life.

Repertoire work:
Eye of the Needle
Moving Force (needed to work out bass-line)
Bicycling to Afghanistan (quartet [2 basses, 1 lead, 1 mid])

Discussed upcoming gigs.
Repertoire to be working on:

Moving Force
Third Relation
Growing Circle

Eye of the Needle
Bicycling to Afghanistan

Probably not:
Invention 10
Flying Home

Friday, June 24, 2005

6/19/05 meeting minutes

South Boston
Attendees: David, Glenn, Mark B (visiting), Victor

We began the meeting without guitars. We sat for about 15 minutes. We then discussed what would be required of us to support Robert on his upcoming shows. This lead to an explanation by Victor about the "four worlds" - body, spirit, potentials, and the world that is indescribable.

We then picked up our guitars and worked on circulating C Major up and down in three octaves, and then circulating the first 5 notes of each mode of C Major up and down in three octaves. This proved particularly challenging, especially doing the "around-the-corner" turnaround.

Finally we did an "any note" Circulation, which had some incredibly musical moments to it, seemingly as a result of the work and effort we had put in on he C Major challenge.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Sunday meeting

Meeting attendees: Martin, Victor, Glenn, MB
Victor began the meeting by asking who would do minutes. MB volunteered. It was noted that the karate kids must have been breaking boards because there were bits of wood on the floor. We had a mat out for Terry, but noted that he may not be coming. Some fun talk about Bridge's birthday party and the Beatles cover band.

Guitar work began with a circulation of C major in three octaves that did not take long. Then we did an exercise in circulating C major that was divided in 5 note intervals. The beginning person played the first and fifth note of the interval. The next person then played the next note in the sequence. The first person played both C and G, for example. Then, the next person started the next interval, playing both D and A. Etc. Martin, Victor, and G caught on to the pattern quickly. MB got stuck. Some help with visualization from Victor. Major hint about playing by learning that I would play my second note 5 times in a row before having to play my next note. We did this exercise ascending and descending. Only Victor's agile brain had a handle on the pivot point of switching from ascending to descending. He explained what happened and some understood, I just knew I had to keep playing B, then I got to play all open strings!

We then played EotN about four times. Foot tapping was emphasized for the better of the piece. A note about practicing the song while listening to a metronome set to the off beats was interesting and helpful for all. Some improvements were made hopefully. Work on Thrak and playing the rock and roll over and over. I experience frustration over trying to get my hands to hit the chords. Very annoying problem that compounds being on with the rhythm. We talked about maintaining quarters for R. Fripp's upcoming performance in the New England area. The NEGC will be the main support for the performance in a couple of venues. The most important thing is to be still and supportive. V says the rest will be okay given that we will create a space in which bad behavior is obvious to the senses of all and not welcome. Interesting story about T. Redmond. He did something simple that prevented someone from taping a show. I think he pointed to the fact that one action affects many even if that action doesn't physically harm someone and is done secretively. Victor strongly encouraged more effort and practice in daily sittings to prepare for R. Fripp's performance support. We talked about upcoming gigs and setting up an intensive time together. Upcoming events: performance at Martin's wife's school (TB planned and TBA), July 23rd party in Roslindale, August 13th Luau, September 10th ...a wedding performance for Martin's friend.